R&D Updates for InSingulo

We are thrilled to share some exciting updates regarding InSingulo's R&D efforts. Our team has been working tirelessly to push the boundaries of biosensor technology and develop innovative solutions to improve healthcare outcomes.

Firstly, we are proud to announce that our method patent has been granted in the US. This is a significant milestone for us as it provides us with exclusive rights to our proprietary technology, ensuring that we can continue to lead the way in drug discovery innovation. This patent also increases the value of our intellectual property and reinforces our position as a market leader.

Furthermore, we are pleased to announce that our biosensor plate patent application has been granted, and we have two more submissions in progress. This is an important development as it increases the viability of our product offering as we go to market. Our biosensor plates are a critical component of our technology, and we are confident that they will be well received by our customers.

In addition to these achievements, we have published two scientific articles on the single molecule Dynamic In Solution Inhibition Assay (dISA). This assay is a key feature of our biosensor technology, allowing us to detect and measure the activity of enzymes in real-time. Our publications demonstrate the potential of dISA as a powerful tool in drug discovery and development, and we are excited to see its impact on the industry.

Lastly, we are pleased to announce that we have started an instrument development project with Etteplan. In this project, the specification and user requirements have been defined, and we have a finalized conceptual design. All of the project milestones have currently been fulfilled according to budget. We have secured component delivery despite global supply shortages and we have cut assembly costs. This project represents a significant step forward for InSingulo, as it will allow us to bring our biosensor technology to market in a more user-friendly format. We are excited about the potential impact this will have on the healthcare industry, and we look forward to sharing more updates on this project as it progresses.

In conclusion, these achievements represent a significant step forward for InSingulo, and we are excited about the potential impact our technology will have on the healthcare industry. We remain committed to pushing the boundaries of biosensor technology and developing innovative solutions to improve healthcare outcomes. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to sharing more updates with you soon.


Building sales and marketing in 2023


2022 was a year of growth for InSingulo